When the time comes, event occur picking up
beings than existing in the space and time carrying out their assigned tasks.
The seers see and smile with wonder and awe, while looking at the occurring of events
in presenti, which will tomorrow be
known as history. The events which have the potentiality to create a self
confident, self sufficient, stable, decisive, transparent and accountable New
India are occurring. Many persons have joined the wind to create it a karvan, others are still sitting on the
fence to change their guards and flow with the direction of the winds when
there is no choice left, some other are watching these events as a 20:20 match
with an emotional involvement and the rest look at it to get a feel good factor
or nothing-will-change attitude. How so ever simple it may look but the
decision of May 9, 2013, at Goa Conclave of BJP declaring Narendra Modi as the
head of the campaign committee for 2014 Lok Sabha General Elections is an
important page in the history of Bharat.
The trilogy of RSS, VHP and BJP represents the
three divine energies of Brahma-Saraswati; Vishnu-Lakshmi
and Shiv-Durga respectively and the
new model of Hindu Governance based on this divine trilogy the basis of
Himalayan culture can alone give a corrupt free Bharat. Congress culture since
it came into power, immediately after independence till date continues to
reflect and manifest the world forces which are primarily demonical in nature. Every one for himself and all together to
exploit the common man. After 947 of foreign invasion and almost 60 years
of Congress rule, every Bhartiya on
the street is exasperated by the system of governance followed by the British
Raj for their colonies. India is still stuck in the well managed cob web of
economic structure which is on the verge of collapse and the only way for India
to come out of the web is to create a Hindu Governance System looking into the
needs of the e-age in the post modern age.
Issue is not the grandsire and the great old
man LKA who has to the best of his capacity dedicated his life to the hand in
issue as referred to him by his courtier, but the issue is his courtier, who
never had any touch with the pulse of the masses and have been riding high on
the shoulders of RSS and VHP by default. This group of courtier with their
group of courtiers has for almost two decade now continued to play on the
rebound by thwarting all those who have tried to be a threat to their vested
interests. The elimination of all those leaders for one reason or other have
continuously eroded the confidence of the cadres till the booth level.
The committed cadres of RSS and VHP who are
into wholly voluntary service with total commitment for their mother land feel
wholly cheated and resigned at the hands of those who have been empowered by
their sweat and blood. The fact the congress was beating them red and blue was
still acceptable for they are following the British Raj culture, but to be
exploited by their own leaders was wholly unacceptable. BJP is an extension of
the arm of RSS and that is something BJP will have to feel proud about and not
feel demeaned, degraded and humiliated. If India has to rise it will have to
rise on the strength of its own culture and heritage and not by imitating or
working on borrowed structures, which it has done since independence. But the
time has now come to call it a day and the proclamation of BJP in 2013 is the
first ray on the horizon to dispel the darkness which has now eclipsed Bartiyata and Bhartiya Sanskriti for over 1000 years. India will rise as phoenix as
reaffirm, reestablish, reiterate, confirm and reestablish itself as the most powerful
culture and heritage to bring in global peace, harmony and economic independence.
History in times will certainly acclaim LKA as
the greatest political genius of the 21st century for his greatest and un- parallel
contribution to cleanse BJP one of the most important limb of the trilogy
existing in Indian Cultural, Social and Political scene. When the events occur
picking up beings then existing in the time and space, the seers bow their
heads to the forces that enables victory of truth over injustice, divine over
asur. Thank you Advani Ji for helping identification of the asur in the army of
the divine and playing a wonderful inning according to the destiny of the nation .