Strength of any
nation is directly proportionate to the integrity of the institutions in the
nation and inter-institutional bonding. As the world has moved into 4th
industrial revolution economy and we into 4th dimension, in a webbed
world, the dominant role of institutions in national building, will also depend
on the speed at which the institutions can adopt to the evolving technologies
and changes. The institution of Supreme Court Advocate on Records creates the
most powerful institutional web around it. It stands in the center of the
Common-man and State Governments (legislatures and bureaucrats) as litigants, Advocates
from High Courts all over the country as associates, Registry of Supreme Court
as processing division, Senior Advocate as advisers and leaders and Judges of Supreme
Court as teachers and mentors and is, therefore, the most resourceful fulcrum
of truth and justice for all.
No other
institution has silently observed, diligently supported and magnificently
contributed in the power and passions, creativity and glory, fumes and fury,
extraordinary and path-breaking accomplishments of the greatest institution in
the largest democracy in the world, than the Advocate on Record since 1954 in
about 2 million petitions/ appeals filed during that period. The institution of
Advocate on Records have a unique position as it has been establishment by
Supreme Court under the Supreme Court Rules and has the potentialities and
where-with-all to churn out the greatest judges, senior advocates and partners
of law firms, for their experience as Advocate on Record, makes them amenable
to concurrently and simultaneously play multiple roles in the annals of
Bringing out of
SCAORA Journal is one of the glorious and celebrated moment, in the history of
this institution spreading over a period of 64 years to enable SCAORA members
and other Advocates to clearly, firmly, objectively and quantitatively pen
their readings, understanding, analysis and thoughts on issues with which they
are associated with or have important bearing on the issues to be determined by
Supreme Court. SCAORA Journal will help them to expand their own horizons and also
provide meaningful material to help the challenges of transformation that is
effecting us all and help in firmly establishing the rule of law.
Aruneshwar Gupta
Editor in Chief